- Sustainability
Our Approach to Sustainability
Our Approach to Sustainability
Sustainability at Mizkan
We have Two Principles that guide our actions: “Offer Customers Only the Finest Products” and “Continuously Challenge the Status Quo.“ We have acted with integrity towards all stakeholders including customers, employees, the environment, and society. For generations, we have passed down our aspiration to continuously innovate for a better future.
Our Mission is “Bringing Flavor to Life.” We are committed to offering food with pride and integrity, based on an appreciation for nature. We aim to help resolve environmental and social issues through our business activities in accordance with our sustainable business model. We will embrace innovation and challenges as we aim to be a sustainable company for the next 100 years and beyond.
Mizkan has always respected water, which is essential for nature, food, and people’s lives. We have sought to coexist with the natural environment, including the forests and ecosystems surrounding the water. As part of this, we have been conserving our forests and maintaining our biotope. The passion of our founder, who contributed to the sushi culture of the Edo period, is in our company DNA. In addition to delivering safe and secure food, developing a rich food culture and nourishing our bodies and minds has been at the core of our business.
We can expect the global environment to change drastically. Food and nutrition will become scarcer as the result of extreme climate change and population explosion. To realize our Mission, “Bringing Flavor to Life,” we drafted Vision Statement 2024 as a roadmap to ensure that our business activities contribute to the environment, society, and people’s dietary lifestyles.
Vision Statement 2024
Champion the well-being of the earth, society, and all that dwell on it.
Nourish the bodies and minds of people all around the world through delicious food.
Through our business activities, fulfill our responsibilities sustainably, taking care of nature, the source of life, and especially, water.
Innovate new taste experiences for the evolving needs of society.
Offer delicious, nutritious, and accessible foods by leveraging our technology and creativity.
Engage with consumers to ensure we are delivering the value they are looking for, not just what we think is right for them.
Empower and engage our people and partners under our corporate philosophy to grow together.
Embrace positive changes by actively learning and taking ownership of all we do.
Work with various stakeholders, including employees and all business partners, to face challenges and strive for continuous improvement.
We will expand our sustainability initiatives as we work to realize our vision. At the same time, we will consider the future beyond the timeline of our Vision Statement. Together with stakeholders, Mizkan will create value for customers, the environment, and society.
Identifying Material Issues
We identified five key issues (materiality) we must address to realize our Vision. To do so, we began by breaking down Vision Statement 2024 from a sustainability perspective. Then we reexamined Mizkan’s history and internal environment, along with changes to the external environment.
- To “champion the well-being of the earth, society, and all that dwell on it“, we need to use water in a way that minimizes environmental impact, take into consideration climate change risks in our business activities, and use resources more sustainably. This led us to identify the following as material issues: respecting water, positively impacting climate change, and using resources wisely.
- To “champion the well-being of the earth, society, and all that dwell on it“ and “innovate new taste experiences for the evolving needs of society, we need to pursue economic, environmental, and social value. We wish to do so by delivering foods that offer taste experiences and healthy choices to more people around the world. Hence, we identified delivering healthier living through food" as a material issue.
- To empower and engage our people and partners under our corporate philosophy to grow together, we need to create a fair and equitable working environment by respecting human rights and ensuring occupational safety throughout the supply chain. Hence, we identified respecting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and human rights as a material issue.
We believe that environmental issues such as climate change, water risk, and resource recycling, and social issues such as human rights, are not only business continuity risks for Mizkan, but also issues that we should help resolve through our business activities.
Five Key Sustainability Issues (Materiality)
To realize our Vision, we will grow by delivering our value proposition: delivering healthier living through food.
We will create value for the natural environment and society as well as strengthen the foundations of our business by respecting water, positively impacting climate change, and using resource wisely.

Value Creation Story

Sustainability Structure
We believe it is important for each employee and company in the Mizkan Group to understand the significance of sustainability and to fulfill their responsibilities to the environment and society in their respective areas.
Our sustainability policy, targets, plans, and initiatives are developed through discussions between corporate officers and general managers of each division. The Sustainability Initiative Office acts as the secretariat. After approval at Board of Directors meetings, our policy, targets, plans, and initiatives are shared with each Mizkan Holdings function and department, and the leaders of each operating region. A system is in place for each organization to report and escalate information, and for executives and the Sustainability Initiative Office to monitor and support their activities.