Message from Yuko Nakano

President, Mizkan Holdings Co., Ltd.

The Mizkan Group began in 1804 when Matazaemon Nakano I started making vinegar using sake lees, a by-product of sake brewing. For over 220 years, Mizkan has taken on challenges and made innovations. From our beginnings in Japan, we have grown to operate across Asia, North America, and Europe.

The unchanging Two Principles

We have Two Principles that guide our actions:
1. Offer customers only the finest products
2. Continuously challenge the status quo

The first principle encourages us to connect with customers to serve them better. This applies to consumers and all our other stakeholders.
The second principle means we will never stop learning and challenging ourselves to do better. The Two Principles form the unchanging core of our philosophy. We will pass them on to the next generation, just as the previous generation did before us.

The eighth owner built upon the Two Principles and defined Mizkan’s corporate aim as “performance improvement through continuous quality improvement.” “Quality improvement” is about improving the quality of our products, management resources, and management functions for all our stakeholders, in Mizkan style. “Performance improvement” is about working toward sustainable growth with our stakeholders.

Bringing Flavor to Life

Our Group Vision Slogan, Bringing Flavor to Life, conveys what we wish to achieve in relation to food, society, and the environment. On a deeper level, it expresses our serious responsibility and commitment to delivering food. We are mindful that all of us need food to live and thrive. Please take a look at the videos on this website for a visual representation of our philosophy. We will keep challenging to innovate as we work to realize our vision.

Realizing our vision

In a volatile business environment, treating the future as an extension of the present is no longer feasible. Our approach is to work backward from where we would like to be to determine what to do now. Based on this, we created our 10-year vision in 2018. Then, we developed our current mid-term plan to take us toward this vision.

The Vision Statement is our pledge to act for the well-being of the earth, society, and all that dwell on it, and unify taste experience and healthy choices. That is why we are “sharing what we do” to make sure both our people and company realize the growth to make this possible. To reach this major goal, we need to think and act together with all shareholders who share our values. This includes consumers, customers, business partners, and our people.

We remain mindful of the responsibility we have to contribute to a sustainable society through our business activities. We will do our best to make sure as many people as possible identify with our values, and work together with you to create the value of the future.

Yuko Nakano
Mizkan Holdings Co., Ltd.
December 2022